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Donald S. Coffey Award Winner
This photo is from the recent SBUR Spring Program held in San Antonio, TX. It features Dr. Himisha Beltran, the recipient of the prestigious Donald S. Coffey Award. Pictured from left to right are Dr. Adam Kibel, Course Co-Chair, Dr. Himisha Beltran, Coffey Award recipient, and Dr. Christina Jamieson, Course Co-Chair.

Official Journal of SBUR
The American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology (AJCEU) is the official journal of the SBUR. AJCEU is an open-access medical journal that publishes papers produced by SBUR members and other researchers.
About SBUR
Since its inception in 1986, the Society for Basic Urologic Research (SBUR) is committed to education, innovation, advocacy and excellence in basic urology research. SBUR is focused on promoting collaboration and dialogue between researchers and clinicians and providing a forum for dissemination of ongoing research and expertise in urological diseases.

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We offer four categories of membership to fit the professional needs of researchers of all levels, as well as a variety of benefits to fit the needs of each of our members.